Thanks for submitting your details.

If we do not contact you within the next 2 business days, that means something went wrong. Try to re-submit the free consultation request form or email us at

We will review your details and assign you the best adviser based on the information you submitted. We will reply with more information and the live calendar of the selected adviser, so you can choose your ideal appointment time.

Your appointment is NOT confirmed until we have replied and you select a date and time. Following this, a Zoom link for the meeting will be automatically emailed to you.

How To Find Us

35 Lavrenti Ardaziani street, Saburtalo, Tbilisi, Georgia, 160

In-person meetings are possible only for premium consultations in Tbilisi at this time.

Free appointments and consultations for our clients in Tbilisi & Batumi are hosted online via Zoom. If you need in-person assistance in Batumi for anything other than consultations, just let us know, as our team there can help with legal processes and more.